25 August 2009

Succotash salad

Serves 4

1 cup frozen soy beans
1 cup frozen corn
1/2 red bell pepper chopped into 1/2"cubes
1 cup chopped frozen okra (I buy them fresh, chop and freeze them for later use)
1 tbsp fresh thyme chopped
1-2 tsps hot sauce - I used Siriracha sauce
1/2 chopped pickled spicy beans
garnish with chopped scallions

Heat about 2 tbsps of olive oil and add chopped thyme. Lets sizzle for a bit. Add red pepper and saute for a minute or so. Add beans, corn, okra, salt and pepper. Cook for 10 mins until the okra is cooked through. Add chopped pickled spicy beans, hot sauce - stir to mix and let cook for another minute. Garnish and serve.

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