28 July 2009

Kale with potatoes, anchovies and hot pepper

V and I have been quite apprehensive using Kale in our cooking just because its a tough veggie to cook and it can taste flabby and bitter quite easily. So we learnt that even though its a tough veggies, Kale should be used within 1-2 days of purchase. So we had Kale last night paired with the shrimp tomato sauce. I think we have found our sweet spot with Kale!

Makes 4 servings

2 bunches of Kale, ~1.5 lbs
2 medium potatoes cut into 1/4" cubes
1 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 cup chicken stock
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
6-7 anchovy fillets, cut into 1/2" pieces
lemon juice
black pepper
olive oil

Strip Kale leaves from its stalk or stem and wash thorougly. Slice the leaves into 1/2" strips.

Heat oil, add garlic and cook over low heat until lightly fried. Toss in potatoes and crushed red pepper. Stir quickly. Add Kale, a bit of salt to help wilt the leaves and chicken stock. Cover and cook over medium-low heat for about 20 minutes or until the potatoes are just barely tender. You might have to stir now and then to avoid potatoes from sticking at the bottom of the dish. Once the potatoes are done and the Kale has wilted, toss in anchovies and lemon juice. turn off the heat and drizzle olive oil to taste. Serve with sprinkled black pepper.


mayaMasala said...

i wonder if this preparation would work with broccoli rabe (rapini), which is notorious for its bitterness.

Safiya said...

That would be interesting to try. I should go and pick up some broccoli rabe - i remember having some at the Bristol. I believe they had cooked it a butter reduction :) what doesn't good with butter!